Julie Auch – Core Beliefs

Julie Auch – Core Beliefs

I feel like what is happening in Pierre right now, at least with our
representation from this District, we have completely forgotten about making
sure that the voices of the people here in District 18 are heard. We have really
forgotten about our private property rights. We have put our civil liberties
on the back burner.

We have Legislators who have voted for red flag laws, voted for gun confiscation.
Totally unacceptable. We have Legislators who feel that it’s okay to end the life
of a child who has survived an abortion. That is not our foundational beliefs in
this District. We cannot have that kind of legislation in Pierre. When you are
taking a look at morality and the value of life, it needs to be protected.

I promise to uphold Liberty, something that you are born with as a South Dakotan.
It is an inherited right, and I will uphold your Liberty here in South Dakota.