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South Dakota State House Representative

Dear fellow District 18 Republicans,

Serving the great State of South Dakota, and the people of District 18, has truly been an honor. I am thankful to have served my first term in the House of Representatives and now humbly ask you for your vote for re-election.

Now, you know from my record that I didn’t just speak these three principles of God, Family and Country to get elected. I live by them. I vote by them for you and put your interests first. Yes, we have broader state issues and concerns. Yes, we want to make it easier for businesses to prosper in South Dakota. I’m not arbitrarily against big business. But big is not always better, and certainly not always how it presents itself to the legislature, nor to the public.

Those principles have not changed, and neither have I, I truly believe South Dakota is the greatest State, because of our Christian values. I treasure my family, and I will continue to put you and your family before the bureaucracy. Today, as a country we face so many challenges, taxes, illegal immigrants, and the infamous taking of our property, rights and local control, I will not back down.

There are other folks who pretend that they will stand up for you, your family, your business, and your private property. But they have not. (See Scorcard)

In 2023, I lead the charge to request a VETO on the UCC Bill to eliminate CBDC in South Dakota. I relentlessly fought for local control and your private property rights. Passed legislation to purchase Fire Fighting Gear for local volunteer firefighters, Veterans and Teachers compensation. Not to mention one of the biggest tax cuts in South Dakota history.

I still have so much work to do in the House of Representatives and would appreciate your vote on November 5th, 2024.

Preserving Our Legacy

As your District 18 State Representative, I pledge to ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit the legacy we in South Dakota have long enjoyed:

Pro-Life Legislation

Private Property Rights

Second Amendment Rights

Free Speech

Civil Liberty

Religious Freedom

God Family Country

The three principles that I bring to this campaign are God, Family and Country.

How special that in the State of South Dakota we have “Under God, the people rule” as our motto. What’s awesome about that motto is that it was actually created right here in Yankton by the founder of Yankton College, Joseph Ward. He took it to the Constitutional Convention in 1885. We adopted it as our motto in 1889 and we have, I almost feel like, skirted away from that little bit.

We need to bring all of that back to “Under God, the people rule”. Not the corporations, not the bureaucrats, not the lobbyists, not us Legislators. It’s the people!

I promise I will listen to you; I will tell them what you tell me, and I will implement what you want.

“The value of our privilege to vote cannot be calculated.”

As your State Representative, my goal will be to give District 18 conservative voters a greater voice in South Dakota’s legislative activities. The freedoms granted to all United States citizens have always been enjoyed in the great State of South Dakota. I want to ensure that my children and grandchildren inherit that legacy of freedom and justice. If elected, I will diligently advocate for second amendment rights, private property rights, pro-life legislation, rule of law, and all civil liberties.

I encourage you to vote for those candidates who represent the values you hold. By speaking up through our vote, we are all assured that we will be governed according to the values we hold dear.